Right after Thanksgiving we visited the Old Field Preserve in Waccabuc, NY. I had read that there was a guided hike scheduled for that day, but we ended up just doing our own thing. (Why people in the outdoors insist on congregating so close together is something I will never understand.)
There is a pretty extensive network of trails that crisscross the property. Many of the trails are shared with horseback riders, but a few trails are hikers only. We did the a loop that was just under 1 mile. There a few different trail maps that I found online, and each version has different labels/colors for the various trails, so I won’t confuse you by trying to describe the route we hiked. Suffice it to say that we started on the “Blue Trail”, and the “Yellow Trail” was the farthest point on our loop.
Old Field Preserve is a subtle, beautiful property. Aptly named, much of the property consists of old farm fields, separated by stone walls, that are at various stages of being reclaimed by mother nature – the property was farmed up until 1974. There is a meditation garden a short distance from the parking lot.
The 100 acre preserve was created in 2003, and is jointly owned by the Town of Lewisboro and Westchester County.
We brought our dog with us, but since you may come across some horses I would strongly recommend you keep Fido on a leash.
There are maps for this preserve on the Avenza app, or you can print one from here: https://lewisborolandtrust.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/old-field-trail-map-2-16-16.pdf
Scroll down for lots of preserve photos…
www.lewisborolandtrust.wordpress.com/preserves/old-field-preserve Accessed various dates.
Personal visit 11/24/2017.